Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Brit Pack Beaders - materials reveal

Today's the day that we, the Brit Pack Beaders - Lesley Watt, Claire Braunbarth, Bo Hulley, Jo Tinley and myself - sent each other for this quarter's challenge. Lookie what I got to work with! Lucky is the word :-)

 there will also be some stringing materials from me, as yet unphotographed. I'm currently en route to London, so links are a little tricky.....but hop over to Lesley's Blog later for the full set of links, and the challenge painting, as selected by Bo Hulley.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:United Kingdom

1 comment:

scotknit said...

What an amazing combination! They look like they all belong together, and that's before you've done anything with them. Looking forward to seeing the end product.


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