Wednesday 23 September 2009


For some time now, I have been trying to come up with some beaded butterflies. Not entirely original in that there are tons and tons of beaded butterflies out there but I do love the wee things (and stars. I love stars!). So it's been quite a challenge to come up with a design that's slightly different from all the others out there in bead land but I think I have finally come up with something that I am happy with! I need to photograph the little beauties so I can share them with you but until then I thought I'd tell you about a giveaway I've just entered at fellow bead artist Lorelei's blog as it is also on the theme of butterflies - this time created by AMAZING artist Cynthia Thornton of Green Girl Studios.
One of the things I love about the world of the blog is the national and international interaction it creates between people - these two artists are based in America and hand crafting artisans working in their own studios...and yet with a few clicks on Cagney (my lovely MacBook, I love her...), I can see their work and read their interactive diary. Amazing!

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