Friday 11 April 2014

New beads...

After a few rather wordy posts from me, I thought you might prefer a more picture-heavy one.....featuring some of the lovely things that have arrived with me recently and will shortly be turned into unique art jewellery (although I reserve the right to hoard. I really do). 
Wonderful handmade beads from Flowerjasper Lampwork Glass. Are these not just the most perfect shade of blue?

Fabulous chunky resin nuggets I snagged in a destash. Chunky and organic, but light because they are resin. Loving these a lot!

A whole lot of love from Swoondimples.....

Sweet tweets from Jettabug Jewelry. Her work is so folky and whimsical - perfect for my jewellery. 

Belfast is not overrun with bead fact, Curious makes up 50% of those of which I know about! However, it does have a nice general craft shop which I visited for the first time a couple of weeks ago. As is often the case with more general craft shops, the bead selection leans toward the cheap and cheerful, but I was rather taken with these pretty pacific opal nailheads. Lovely colour and I have a bit of a thing for nailhead beads. 

Last but definitely not least, some tiny tassels, again from Swoondimples. I bought these partly because who doesn't love a wee tassel? But also because they remind me of one of my current favourite songs. I'm trying to hunt down a print with the title quote on it for my studio 'Follow your arrow wherever it points' - haven't found quite the right one yet, but I'm on the look out! I must confess I do like the odd bit of folky country music. 


Shai Williams said...

Ohhh..Me love bead porn. Great finds!

scotknit said...

Ah! The ultimate blue at the top. I can't see past it I'm afraid.

Silver Parrot said...

I am lovin' those teeny tassels. Want, want, want!

Lori Bowring Michaud said...

Love finding new artisans - I hadn't seen Rejetta's creations before and aren't those tiny tassels cute too! I also love Kacey's song!


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