Wednesday 9 March 2011

The postie always times...

Hi! Firstly, if you're after a spot of bead soup, check it out here.

***10.03.11 Update: Only 20 more blogs to go!!! I've done my 20 for today, I'll visit the last batch tomorrow as I have a touch of bead soup blog blindness now...***

I recently posted about some bits and bobs which had come in the post...all very nice! And most of them have now been put to good use. Now, like many of you (I hope!), I am quite the little bead-shopaholic...a vice which does occasionally get me in trouble with my partner...I thought I had been trying to be good this year but imagine my horror when I got home from college yesterday to be told that my father-in-law (who had come over from Yorkshire for a flying DIY visit) had struggled to open the door because there were seven parcels behind it. Yes, that's right. SEVEN. Slightly extravagant, no?! Thankfully, most of them contained things like two spools of linen cord and nothing else. (Honest!) But there was one delicious parcel from Humblebeads and another equally lovely one from Kylie Parry. I think customs must save them up and then get them sent out to the postie all at once because it does quite often happen that a bunch of parcels I have been waiting for all come at the same time. That's my excuse anyway! 

The Humblebeads parcel was one I had been eagerly anticipating because it contained my January bead of the month! (See what I mean about customs saving them up? January...!) along with a beautiful clasp and a lovely M bead I bought for my Mum (Maggie). And a couple of sweet spacers Heather threw in for me.


Please forgive the late afternoon lighting with these pictures...they're not as bad as I was anticipating but still, they could be better.

And here's my selection of Kylie Parry....a new addiction....

Don't you just love her work? I cannot get enough of it at the moment. I love the finishes and the colours she uses, lovely and rustic and romantic...I adore the fact that I have a bunny rabbit bead that is sweet and lovely but not the least bit cutesy....I'm not really a cutesy girl, and bunny images so often are. Not that I'm saying my two house bunnies aren't cute because they definitely are! So this bead in particular makes me very happy. 

And last of yesterday...some gorgeous headpins from Genea, whom I discovered on my (still ongoing!) bead soup party blog hop. Her swap with Mary Harding was one of my favourite combinations on both sides and I just had to snaffle some of Genea's gorgeous lampwork.

And as a little postscript, here are some rather lovely beads which arrived a week or so ago and I didn't get round to photographing until now.

Yes, more birdies....I'm so predictable I know! These beautiful handmade paper clay beads come from Heidi Post. They are very sweet! And lovely colours. She has finished three of them off with a wonderful crackle glaze which gives them a lovely texture. She's got a few more available here - check them out! And do have a read through her lovely blog - she makes some really gorgeous pieces, I'm sure you will agree.

So how are your weeks going? Productive? Too many parcels?! I'd love to hear about what has come through your letter box. 


Heidi Post said...

Thanks for the mention! And for turning me on to Kylie Parry -- the bright new flowers on her most recent blog are super fun.

Mary Ann Tate said...

I don't think the postie comes to my house anymore...I'm waiting for some stuff too.

Lovely treats to get in the mail...That bead with the keyhole is very interesting:)

somethingunique said...

Hi Rebecca, thanks for sharing all of your wonderful stash, i am from Canada and sometime wait up to 6 weeks for the post to bring me my goodies then i get several at once sort of feels like Christmas ttfn Lana

Eve Smith said...

Oh i love your goodies, can't wait to see what you do with them, something magical as always,x

Malin de Koning said...

All lovelies of course. I have that Kylie pear one too. Haven't put it too work yet. The keyhole looks wonderful, and I am not a key-keyhole person really.

About mail deliveries, I've heard rumours that Texas is a US state that takes time to ship from. Fully in line with my own experiences.

Malin de Koning said...

And also, I love Heidi's blog too. And Genea's work. Wonderful ADD type people both of them - read my blog post for today to get a clue of what I am talking about ...

Lois Moon said...

I'm in love with your mail!

I LOVE color! said...

Such lovely beads. Be Blessed

Lori P said...

Oh my word - all gorgeous! See, my problem with things like this is that I'd hoard them all.

Third Eye Gypsy said...

You said "snaffle" LOL. That's awesome! You are so sweet to blog about your headpins! I hope you enjoy creating with them! Send pictures! :D

Much love,


Third Eye Gypsy said...

Ok just got you linked back up to this post on my blog today :D

Wow 7 packages huh? LOL, that is amazing! What fun! You got some gorgeous pieces!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to confirm that I too love Kylie Parry. I don't have any of her beads yet but I want them ALL! I need to buy some soon.

My Life Under the Bus said...

OMG Kylie Parry is EVERYWHERE and I am soooo jealous! Her stuff is lovely!

Brenda Salzano said...

That little blue bird on the bead is adorable!! I just LOVE it! What a treasure!


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