Saturday 8 October 2011

New pieces....and a Secret Sale!

Some new items in le shop. I have sooo much new jewellery to photograph and upload, it's untrue. I am really hoping I get paid in time to enrol onto Kerrie Bogart's Snaptastic - it looks like an absolutely fab course, funds are just a little low currently. Photography is definitely something I have improved at over the years I've been creating jewellery (about 5 seriously now) but I feel I still have far, far to go. I struggle. My house isn't a particularly dark one, but somehow there is no spot that gets enough natural light to take jewellery photos. I also don't have a big enough back drop to photograph on. So I almost always go round the corner to one of our local pubs which has beautiful wooden tables in their beer garden, and 'shoot' there. It can be quite hit or miss, depending on the weather. I don't like leaving things up to chance as much as this set up inevitably leads to. I'd like to work out a way with lights, in the house, that could be a permanent set up, so I could just style the jewellery, snap and go. Fiddle on the computer, and my photos would be done. Sigh. Not yet. Perhaps with Snaptastic's help I'll get a few steps closer down the line. That's the plan, anyway!

So, in order to sign up to this course, I'm going to try and photograph and upload as much jewellery into my two shops as possible, over the next week. And for you, my lovely blog readers, a secret sale on Etsy....just type in the code LOVELY and get 20% off. Blogs are kind of hard places to promote your jewellery, I think, unless you're a super duper fabbo famous designer, because - let's face it - most of us are reading each others blogs because we ALSO make jewellery! But if anyone does spot anything they love, do take advantage of this secret sale. Set to end on the 17th October, when Snaptastic begins. I'll also throw in a free surprise pouch of beads with any order that says beads please! in the notes :-)

And here are a few of the pretties I just uploaded. Czech glass and art beads galore here :-) more will follow over the next few days I hope - Etsy and Folksy. (And, as Folksy doesn't have a coupon code option, if there's anything on there you want, send me a message. I can either relist on Etsy for you, or you can purchase through Folksy and I will refund the difference. I'm nice like that :-)).

Hope you are all having a grand old weekend! x x x


Unknown said...

I have two of your bracelets that I want, I am hoping that they don't sell by next Friday because if they don't I will be buying them. What lovely pieces you have to offer and truthfully I don't think you are charging enough for your fabulous pieces. You rock, and I hope that you get some extra funds so you can take your course. I have been feeling that way there are so many things I want to by but I haven't been selling anything lately to pay for by bead crazy buying habit.

Much love!!!


lynsey said...

Rebecca your creations are just Fab!! i just adore your use of colour

Anonymous said...

What beautiful creations here! Looking forward to your creation from Andrew's Sept. jewelry challenge. Best- tara

Unknown said...

Love the Autumn Wisdom!


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